Summer Solstice

Pending Solstice at Sun Tunnels by A Hinckley

In North America the summer solstice begins on June 20, 2012, at 7:09 p.m. (EDT), according to “The Old Farmer’s Almanac.” 

To ancient civilizations, the sun seemed to stand still in the sky — making the longest day of the year. I will delight in the bath of sun the summer solstice brings. Officially now, it is the start of summer.

I feel this cycle of nature and will celebrate it, flow with it. To me, summer is a time of growth. The seeds that were planted and started to bud in the spring are now blossoming, ripening, reaching for the sky. I will honor this time — the start of summer — and reconnect with the sky and the wonders in the heavens.

A soft rain is falling now. Somewhere, I know, the sun is shining brightly. Today, I feel it in my soul. I hope tomorrow’s sky will be bright. I look forward to slathering myself in sunscreen, turning off my computer and going out to soak up a little vitamin D.

2 thoughts on “Summer Solstice

  1. Pingback: Word of the Week « Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  2. Pingback: 2012 Solstice « divineis

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